Registration for 2020 Annual CSE Education Weekend is now open!

22nd Annual Canadian Society of Echocardiography Weekend will be held from 23 to 25 April 2020 at the Toronto Marriott Downtown Eaton Centre Hotel. Once again, we have striven to develop an exciting and cutting-edge educational program for you based on your feedback. Our planned program is rich in education, with many opportunities for you to interact with colleagues, friends, and experts from across Canada, as well as our industry partners.

The Annual Canadian Echo Weekend is designed around your needs and requests over the past twenty meetings. This year we will be discussing the core topic of the cardiac chamber and valve assessment, and have built-in a special session on the pitfalls in echocardiography (and how to overcome then). We will cover the multimodality imaging of cardiomyopathies in our Thursday evening symposium. Our popular ticketed POCUS hands-on session and computer-based workshop sessions (on 3D echo and 2D strain) are back, led by Canadian leaders in the field. Our live-scanning workshops will include a Sonographer run workshop on the comprehensive (and accredited) transthoracic echocardiogram and on the Cardio-Oncology scan. On Saturday, April 25, we are highlighting the role of echocardiography in Critical Care, collaborating with the Canadian Critical Care Ultrasound Consortium. We hope that all topics will enhance your diagnostic capabilities and improve patient care.

To register, please visit our meeting site …


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